What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and What Causes It?

Activities requiring repetitive motions like knitting, working with power tools, or using a mouse may cause pain, numbness, or tingling in fingers and hands. If you experience any of these sensations, you may worry that you could have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a common condition that may arise if a specific nerve in your wrist becomes compressed.

The nerve, which is called the median nerve, provides sensation to your thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger. It runs down your arm and into your hand through the carpal tunnel, a passageway in your wrist formed by the surrounding carpal bones. The carpal tunnel is covered on top by a ligament – specifically, the transverse carpal ligament.

If your carpal tunnel narrows or the surrounding wrist tissue swells, it can pressure your median nerve. When the nerve is entrapped in this way, it can cause pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, burning, or even a sensation that feels like an electric shock.

At first, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms may only arise briefly after something puts pressure on your median nerve. Over time, the weakness, burning, or tingling may happen more often, and it may last longer each time it happens. Eventually, the symptoms may become constant for some people who don’t seek treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. They may find it difficult to work, drive, cook, and do many enjoyable activities that involve the hands.

What are some common causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

  • Awkward hand or wrist positioning while sleeping. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, (1) sleeping with your wrists curled downward may contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome over time.

  • Wrist fractures or sprains. A wrist injury may cause swelling, which could impact the median nerve.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and swelling. It can affect any joint but is more common in the wrist and fingers.

Certain conditions may put you at greater risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, including:

Being female

Women are likelier to have smaller carpal tunnels than men since they typically have smaller wrists. Women are three times more likely (2) to be susceptible to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

A family history of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Some people may have a genetic disposition (3) to contract Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


The extra fluid circulates in a pregnant woman’s body may cause swelling that contributes to median nerve compression.

Other health conditions

Diabetes, underactive thyroid, lymphedema, and menopause may be associated with a greater risk of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

E Jones
New Media @ MicroAire

How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?


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